Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Losing Hair

I've seen this post on the Hodge forum, and the part about losing hair kinda appear quite funny to me:

A: I need to get your feedback because I recently met someone and I have not told him about my diagnosis or that I am undergoing treatment. What are your thoughts on what a good time would be to share this?

B: As for telling, I think it depends a lot on the person and your communication. If you start talking about things that matter early in your relationship, then I would be confident to tell him soon. But if you are just "getting to know each other" , then I would wait a bit more not to freak him out. By the way you still have you hair? Mine is still there but loosing some everyday. I think you should tell it anyway before he wants to touch your hair and gets a chunk of it by mistake ;-p

As for telling it, I would bring him some material to read, to show that you have a good prognosis. Because the word cancer sometimes freaks people out.


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