To all you (bald) women...
I've read lots here lately from the women about their feelings about losing their hair and how that makes them feel and, well, you know me, I just can't let this one go.
I know our society has made us feel that losing our hair from chemo makes us look sick.
I know that psychologically, it's a huge blow for a woman to lose her hair.
I know that you'd rather complain about a bad hair day than try to pick out the scarf that goes with the outfit.
I know all that.
But I also know this: When I see your pictures, with the short whispy hair, with the bald head, with the crew cut, with the strange new curls, what I see FIRST, before the bald head, before all the other stuff a guy is supposed to see first (hey, it's in our jeans. I mean, genes.)... what I really see first, is your eyes and your smiles. I see a beatiful person living life like they sing about in country songs. I see fighters. I see winners. I see women who I'd love to know. I see women who make me want to be a better person.
Oh, yeah, then I notice that you're bald, or fuzzy, or whispy, or wearing a scarf or hat. And, despite that, you're smiling a REAL smile that goes all the way to your eyes. And THAT is beautiful. If you think guys are staring at you, you're probably right, but not for the reason you're thinking. I have no reason to butter you up or try to lie to make you feel better. I just really wanted to you to hear (read) what I'm sure lots of guys feel, but don't really know how to say.
In case you missed it in my rambling, you're beautiful, with or without the hair.
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