Wednesday, July 6, 2011








Having regained my appetite yesterday, I've decided to try something more adventurous. I kinda missed the fish and chips from Melbourne, but i modified quite a lot to suit my current diet. Ok, it's not shiok as the fried ones.

Spiced French Fries

Ingredients (I really can't tell you the quantity. By feel. Haha)
Sea salt
Dried Spices: Basil, Rosemary, Black Pepper, Paprika
Olive oil

Cut up the potato and carrots into the shapes you desire. Wash and dry them on kitchen towel. Mix in all the spices and salt. Drizzle olive oil on to a baking tray, and toss the potato and carrot into the tray. Give it a good mix. Bake for 20 minutes at 210.

Breaded Fish Patties

Ingredients (4 patties)
250g Cod fish
(or Dory or anything flaky when it is cooked. I tried garoupa. Omg, please don't repeat my mistake)
1 minced onion
1 chopped spring onion
Chiffonade 1 chilli
1 egg
Corn starch
2 cups of corn flakes, crushed
Seasoning: Olive Oil, rice wine 1-2 teaspoon each. A pinch of sea salt and pepper

Chop up and slightly mince the fish and put them in a bowl. Add in the onion, spring onion, chilli and seasoning. Use your hand and give it a good mix. Leave the mixture aside, and prepare 1 plate of corn strach, 1 plate of crushed corn flakes, and 1 plate of beaten egg.

Carefully divide the mixture into 4, shape it into a patty. Dust it with corn starch. Be gentle, or else it will crumble. Dunk it in the egg, then quickly to the corn flakes. Cover it nicely with corn flakes and place it on grease proof paper. Bake them for 20-25 minutes at 180-200.

I think it's great if there's some lemon mayonise. Too bad, i can't take mayo now.



  1. 你回来我煮给你吃!哈哈,你也煮点药膳给我吃吧。
